

roundal3Pensions – Retirement is but a short cruise away.  Robson Financial will set you off on the right course and make sure its plain sailing.



In recent years the government has introduced several initiatives and changed many of the rules around pension savings and access. This has been with the aim of encouraging greater personal responsibility for retirement income. In addition there is billions of pounds already held in pension accounts that hasn’t been reviewed in years. This has only served to make it even more difficult to know just how much is enough when it comes to retiring. We have the expertise and skill needed to negotiate the pitfalls of saving for retirement and access your pension savings…


After getting to know you and your current retirement plans, we will research how they compare to the market leading products. Whatever your age we will develop a plan to maximise your savings for tomorrow without leaving you short for today. Once we have set the right investment strategy for you based on your age and risk profile, we make the most of the tax breaks available so that it is your savings doing the hard work for you, while you get on with your everyday life. If you are already retired or the big day is in sight our market leading software can model your retirement income to make sure that you get the most from your savings without running out of money in your twilight years.